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Showing posts with label fish. Show all posts
Showing posts with label fish. Show all posts

Tuesday, January 9, 2018

Discovering Tropical Plants and Saltwater Fish in Little Rock, Arkansas

A trip to a couple of indoor garden centers and a salt water fish store was the perfect cure for the wintertime blues.

January is usually the month that I start craving a warm tropical island. It has been very cold in Arkansas the last few weeks and my body is not liking it! We generally have mild winters with just a few days that are below freezing at night. Well, not this year! It has been down to 14 degrees at night and not getting above 32 during the day.

My mother, daughter, and I decided that a little adventure to some nurseries in a nearby (1 ½ hours away) city would be a perfect “Pick me up”. There is basically nothing to do indoors within 4 hours of my home, so being creative is a must. Never having been to any nurseries in Little Rock before, I did a little research online to see which ones might have something to look at indoors.

Hocott's Garden Center has a beautiful indoor garden with all kinds of tropical plants and trees. 
They also have home and garden decor. I love that you just walk through the jungle and find the plants you want. The air plants were hanging in a tree just like in nature!


3612 Kavanaugh Blvd.

Little Rock, AR

Botanica Gardens has a beautiful store with nature inspired decor for the home and garden. They have a nice selection of air plants.


1601 Rebsamen Park Road

Little Rock, Arkansas 72202

Good Earth Garden Center has a cute fairy garden, a very large gift shop, hot houses, and you can grab a quick photo with Bigfoot!


15601 Cantrell Road

 Little Rock, AR 72223

The Fish Tank is an Aquarium supply store with beautiful saltwater fish and live coral. The staff is super friendly and informative. I am still trying to talk the hubby into letting me get a salt water tank!


400 N. Bowman Rd, Suite 13

Little Rock, AR 72211

I acquired these beautiful air plants on our trip. I have been fascinated with tillandsias for a while, but am just now starting to collect some air plants. I just wish they were not so expensive! If anybody has some extras they would like to send my way, feel free!😄

The first plant is from Hocott's Garden Center and the second two are from Botanica Gardens.

Hope you enjoined hearing about our little trip! If you have suggestions on any other nurseries or garden centers that I need to visit, let me know. I love anything tropical and can not wait for warmer weather to get out in my garden.

Below is short video from the trip